Documenting the reality of mixed couples in Italy
Padova Pride 2018. After 16 years from the National Pride, the demonstration for the pride and visibility of lesbian, gay, bisexua…
Playing in Addis
The story of the artistic encounter between the italian singer Debora Petrina, and the etiopian dancer Melaku Belay.
Giorgio il pastore (Il figlio di Ulisse)
The story of the meeting with Giorgios, shepherd in the mountains of Kefalonia, Greece.
We'll come United
A short photographic tale of the squatted "City Plaza" Hotel in Athens, and the stories of the refugees who have found hospitality…
Casa dei Diritti "Don Gallo"
The "House of Rights Don Gallo" a building occupied by migrants in the center of Padua from December 2013 until March 2017.
Diadie, Soumaila et les autres
Snapshots along the path of integration of Diadie and Soumaila, from their arrival in Padua, in the migrant's center, to the obta…
Calais: una giungla costruita sulla sabbia
A journey into the world of volunteering in the largest refugee camp in Europe
Srebrenica 1995-2015
The reportage of the commemoration of the 20th anniversary of the Srebrenica genocide.
Another Venice
A look at the minor islands of the Venice lagoon.
Two series of landscape photos representative of the art that heals wounds in the cities of Gibellina and Naoshima.