Diadie, Soumaila et les autres
Snapshots along the path of integration of Diadie and Soumaila, from their arrival in Padua, in the migrant's center, to the obtaining documents and economic and housing autonomy.
Snapshots along the path of integration of Diadie and Soumaila, from their arrival in Padua, in the migrant's center, to the obtaining documents and economic and housing autonomy.
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A journey into the world of volunteering in the largest refugee camp in Europe
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They met during a master in Warsaw. At the beginning Jacopo was very concerned about cultural differences and the way in which these also profoundly shape thought. East and West have a profoundly different approach to the meaning of existence, says Jacopo. Over time it is these differences that have fascinated him. Mutual listening is very important to them. They communicate with each other in English.
Padova Pride 2018. After 16 years from the National Pride, the demonstration for the pride and visibility of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex people returns to Padua..
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The story of the artistic encounter between the italian singer Debora Petrina, and the etiopian dancer Melaku Belay.
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